Alex Bynum

Spiritual Healer & Guide

All I ever wanted was to make the world a better place.

Growing up, I knew for certain the world was in pain. I always wanted to help and be a good person, but I simply didn’t know how to go about it.

Did I join a cause? Read powerful literature such as the biographies of Mother Theresa and Gandhi? Donate money to charities? Travel to third world countries and devote my life to another region? What was the best way to help?

Everyone else seemed okay with pursuing their personal interests but I could not pretend the world wasn’t on fire.

I decided to devote my life to helping other people in many different ways. Initially, I graduated college with a degree in social work and applied my knowledge in the areas of immigration and refugee resettlement. Next, I became an EMT hoping to save lives. After that, I moved on to becoming a personal trainer/health expert because I felt that maybe I could prevent people from getting sick. But all of these things still felt “off” no matter what I tried.

Eventually, trying to help the world really took a toll on me. I was still struggling with bulimia/anorexia after over a decade of seeking help. I was on antidepressants, in and out of therapy, and constantly going to personal development seminars. I didn’t know what to do and just when things couldn’t get worse…I landed in the hospital with meningitis. 

As I lay in my hospital bed unable to move with a frozen spine, I truly surrendered. I asked God/Goddess/Universe/Source to please end my life or powerfully use me to help other people. I was done with not living my true purpose.

Less than six months after laying in that hospital bed, I found Life Activation and the Empower Thyself Initiation.

Life activation was the spark I needed to know a whole other world of healing existed I had never even heard of or seen. It was one of the missing pieces to the puzzle of how to truly help myself and others.

Then came the empower thyself initiation. Through a set of simple rituals I learned during that two day training, my world immediately shifted for the better. I moved, started my own business, and even began going to school to learn how to facilitate these ancient healing modalities for others. It was as if I got me back after such a long time.

Since 2013, I’ve been actively working to share knowledge about and healings from this ancient healing path. If you’ve tried multiple resources and still feel like something is missing from your life, I’m so glad that you landed here.

If you just want to make the world a better place, welcome. I can’t wait to work with you.